


To truly enhance the efficiency of your steam system, a thorough understanding of both operational and financial performance is essential. Obtain a clear, up-to-date, and comprehensive assessment of your efficiency and system health through a plant-wide steam and condensate equipment audit. This audit benchmarks performance and offers options to enhance energy utilization, reduce heat loss, decrease operating costs, and optimize process throughput.

Furthermore, we'll highlight opportunities for integrating automation into your plant, providing transparency into daily operations, system throughput, and areas requiring attention to prevent downtime.

For specialized recommendations, our system audits may propose the use of steam trap automation solutions from Everactive, exclusively designed and engineered by Steam Solutions to meet your specific needs.


Our successful steam system audits are carried out by dedicated specialists who uncover hidden improvement opportunities. The process involves a thorough site visit by the STM-Groups engineering team that performs the following tasks:

  • Advanced Field Measurements And Observations
  • Steam Flow And Condensing-rate Modeling
  • Equipment Specification Development
  • Line Variable Observations
  • Automation Equipment Evaluation
  • Comprehensive Steam Trap Survey
  • Following the initial audit, our team compiles an objective report detailing key performance metrics, opportunity costs, and a comprehensive proposal of recommendations for system improvement. This includes a detailed scope of improvements, repairs, additions, and modifications necessary to optimize the system for maximum return on investment (ROI).

    Steam and condensate system audits include the following benefits:

  • System Performance Benchmarking
  • System-wide Problem Identification
  • Energy Savings Opportunities Documentation
  • Mistakenly Placed Or Out-of-service Equipment Identification
  • Process Efficiency/productivity Enhancement
  • Improved System Reliability
  • Lowered Operating Costs