


For facilities where steam is mission-critical, Surrama Tridaya Mandiri offers on-site asset managers to maintain peak system performance. In many facilities, the in-plant steam infrastructure and components have aged, with production growth consistently outpacing the original utility capacity. This poses potential challenges for aging in-house steam systems that may struggle with efficiency, throughput, and uptime.

Situated at the facility and collaborating with your team, our on-site managers oversee all aspects of your steam system, managing operation, maintenance, repair, and overall system management. From equipment specifications and maintenance schedules to inventory and purchase orders, these expert specialists ensure the plant runs efficiently.

These on-site teams can address numerous tasks related to utility and process optimization, including enhancing heat transfer equipment design, ensuring the reliability of critical instrumentation, and safeguarding thermally sensitive product transfer applications. They can handle your system's maintenance program, perform scheduled and emergency repairs, and enhance utility performance overall.


STM-Groups customizes its asset management support to match your unique operational, financial, and organizational requirements since no two facilities have identical steam systems. Our team has specialists on-site at some of the largest process-intensive facilities in the United States. Additionally, we offer intermittent quarterly services for smaller facilities that do not require or have the budget for full-time personnel.

  • Embed an on-site expert to support your team
  • Keep the steam system at peak performance
  • Visual inspections, testing, and real-time troubleshooting
  • Continuously survey traps and other equipment (marking GPS locations for follow-up)
  • Everyday steam maintenance, repair, and admin
  • Manage inventory, spare parts, planning, and reporting
  • Custom programs to fit your needs
  • Work alongside, and train facility personnel